What is Discipleship Pathway?

At Journey, we believe becoming a disciple is a direction, not a destination. It’s not a title you earn after you’ve attended church long enough, or finished enough classes. It’s progressive movement in the direction of Jesus. We never “arrive” this side of heaven. We’re passionate about multiplying disciples and leaders. That’s why we’ve created a Discipleship Pathway to help you grow toward Jesus as you journey through life. Our Discipleship Pathway is broken up into three phases we call steps.

Becoming a disciple is a direction, not a destination.

“As you go, make disciples of all nations. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Teaching them to obey all I have commanded you. And I am with you, even to the end of the age.”

- Matthew 28:19-20

First Steps


Join a conversation around life,
faith and meaning.

Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly environment. It’s a place to connect with people, where you can say anything you like or nothing at all. Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs.


Welcome Home is an opportunity to discover the heartbeat of Journey Havelock! Join us for our next session to learn more about the beliefs, culture, and family of our house, and get the chance to meet leaders from our team.

New Sessions Monthly

NEXT Steps


Baptism is a public celebration of moving from death to life through faith in Jesus Christ. At Journey, we believe in helping people find their way back to God, and baptism is an especially important part of the journey of a Christ-follower.

Baptism itself doesn’t make us a believer in Christ, but rather a way of saying to the world that our relationship with Jesus, and our faith in Him, has already begun. Baptism symbolizes that our old self is gone (going under the water) and our new self has come (coming above the water) and that we have been made alive in Christ.

We encourage the people of our House to be invested in groups. Journey Groups are Missional Communities that meet in Havelock, and other towns and communities around the Crystal Coast. During these get-togethers, your group will share a meal, share life, pray together, serve, and build community with one another.

join a journey group

Watch this video from Saturate about the difference between a small group and a Missional Community.

Experience an event or class

At Journey, we use most of our resources to equip you to help others find their way back to God as you go about your daily life. But, from time to time we like to gather for events that build our community and allow us to enjoy each other’s company.

We don’t schedule a lot of ongoing classes, because we want you to be free to grow in community through Journey Groups and DNA Groups. We do offer short term classes to help you grow deeper in your knowledge of scripture, and encourage you to check one out.



Journey is a casual environment where you’ll feel comfortable showing up just as you are. This applies to what you wear as well as where you are on your spiritual journey. Our services are fun, relaxed, and usually last around an hour. They’re intentionally designed for wherever you are on your spiritual journey. You’ll usually hear one “Big Idea” that’s practical and relevant to everyday life. We celebrate what God is doing in our lives and people finding their way back to God by worshipping together and taking communion every week.

Essentials classes

Essentials Classes are a vehicle by which people at Journey can become theologically trained, more spiritually mature, and equipped to live out the Christian life. Classes include Bible Study Methods, Biblical Finances, Essential Theology, The Gospels, Book Studies, and much more.

These free courses consist of live teaching and are open to adults of all ages.


In simple terms, a DNA Group is an accountability group of 3-5 men or women—a place where friendship and encouragement are met with regular accountability. It’s not a Bible Study or discipleship group (although you’ll talk about Scripture often), but it is a group of men or women who share a similar season of life and meet consistently to help each other on their journey.


We encourage the people of our House become the leaders God has designed them to be. Whether leading yourself, leading others, leading a team, leading a ministry, or even leading a church—we’re here to help you reach your leadership potential. We do this because God has called us to multiply disciples, leaders, and churches. We believe the Leadership Pipeline is the most effective way to do this. In our pipeline you’ll apprentice with another leader and you’ll be given practical, hands-on training at every step of your journey. God has designed you to lead, and we want to be the hero-makers who guide you along the way.