We encourage the people of our House to be invested groups. Groups are one of the key ways we develop a growing relationship with Jesus. Whether you don't consider yourself religious, are a new believer, new to Journey, or are looking to deepen your faith, there's a group for you. While the different types of groups we offer are very different from each other, they all serve the purpose of helping you build community in your life.

What’s a journey group?

We want to be a church OF small groups NOT WITH small groups. Journey Groups are missional communities where groups of 10-25 adults live in community with each other and on mission together. Helping people find their way back to God is the mission of our house, and these groups are an extension of that mission. Journey Groups are open groups that are designed to create a safe place for friends and neighbors who are far from God to join the community and experience the gospel up close and in person.

Watch this video from Saturate about the difference between a small group and a Missional Community.

Missional Community Serving

What to expect

By design, these rooms of our house are transitional. We won’t always do the same thing when we gather. Sometimes we’ll just share a meal together, while others we may spend time exploring the talk from that week on a more personal level. We also serve our community together in these groups, and we learn to weave our story of finding our way back to God into everyday conversation.

While no two gatherings will be exactly the same, there are six rhythms* we live in community together that are consistent:

  1. Story- We know and submit our lives to the story of God while also becoming familiar with one another’s stories and the stories of our culture.

  2. Listen- We submit to God through consistent backward and forward listening.

  3. Celebrate- We gather together to celebrate God’s extravagant blessings in Jesus.

  4. Bless- We intentionally bless others through words, gifts, or actions.

  5. Eat- We regularly eat meals with others to invite them into gospel community.

  6. Recreate- We take time to rest, play, create, and restore beauty in ways that reflect God and the work of the gospel to others.

*Credit: Saturate © 2018.